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The Staden system is used to replace steel pipes and a copper cylinder with a  plastic cylinder   

The differences:


STADEN SYSTEM             
1. One length of pipe, rod and rope (flexible)                   
2. Glassfibre re-enforced  nylon cylinder (parts available)    
3. Gripper necessary to anchor pipe in borehole                   
4. Base plate prevents horizontal movement of system as it is pulled taut by the system.
5. Able to be used in skew boreholes as pipe is flexible
6. One cup in cylinder – plastic – can run dry.                    

Shaft weighs only 700g per m – entire system pulls lighter – less wind necessary for  windmill to turn – stroke water
8. 32 Class 10 HDPE pipe or 40 class 12 HDPE                  
9.Valves stainless steel – air & watertight – can be sanded   
10. Comes out standard  with force head.                               
11. Works with chain – no downward action – no wear and tear on windmill head.


1. 3m lengths shaft and pipe joined .

copper cylinder (parts not available.)

pipes not necessary to be anchored – rigid
4. base plate bolted onto cement block to
anchor it.      

unable to be used in boreholes drilled skew as pipe is rigid.
6. 2 cups in cylinder – swells (leather) scratches the inside of the cylinder when running dry.
7. shaft weighs more than 1 kg per m –  heavier  -  stronger wind needed for windmill to turn – stroke –  water
8. 40mm – 50mm galv pipe

needs additional one way valve. 

needs a separate force head when under pressure
11. wooden shaft – downward motion  – wear and tear on windmill head.            

Consists of  8 components (gripper, cylinder, force head, base plate , 2 springs, rod, pipe and rope

Gripper – is used to anchor the system at the bottom of the borehole.  Entirely manufactured of stainless steel, with cast iron cam. Consists of a  housing  in which the cam moves up and down.  Is activated by a 10mm ski-rope.  Points to the bottom   –   twofold purpose  – to cut off existing roots in the borehole as well as serving as a guide should the rope break.


Cylinder – Only available in 2.5" size.  Barrel and end caps are made of glass reinforced nylon, which has been polished on the inside before use.  Shaft, nuts, springwashers,
bolt, valves and bushes are made of stainless steel. Cups– Polyurethane, the rest of
stainless steel or plastic.  Valves are flattened so that they can be sanded down should it leak water.  Cylinder consists of two o-rings (at the top and bottom of end cap) to ensure that the system is waterproof.  The standard thread of end caps 1½" (female) and the shaft is 12mm standard – with a locknut.


Male adaptor – 32mm x1½" so that it can be screwed into the cylinder and fit over the pipe  
Pipe – 32mm class 10 HDPE
Spring loaded wire flexible to roll up ± 1.6m in diameter – if bent too much – can snap and lose spring load and damage outside pipe.  Is protected by a 16 class 16 pipe and filled with grease.  Sealed on both ends with a stainless steel crimp. Ends are flattened ,  to ensure that the shaft does not pull back - fits into a 16mm class 16 HDPE pipe.  Standard 12mm female thread on both sides to fit shafts of the cylinder or force head.  
Rope – 10mm ski-rope is used to activate the gripper / to deactivate – it is fastenend to the gripper and base plate.  Furthermore hangs loose in the hole.
T-piece – 32  x 1" Female T – join the pipe in the hole with pipe from force head  -  O’rings.  
  Base plate – manufactured of stainless steel – used to ensure that no horizontal movement occurs in the system.  Has a nut underneath where the rope is fastened to. 

  Force head  – consists of a stainless steel shaft with a lock nut ,  2 x 1" leather   with bushes..  Pipe serves as  tubing – 32 class 16 PVC pipe.  Eyenut at the top of the shaft is connected  to the wooden shaft by a chain.(6,3mm) - no downward motion.


Springs  – Springs are fastened with wire to the eyenut of the forcehead.  Must remain taut – anchored to the cement block or lengthened with wire and anchored to the strut of the tower. Helps to pull down the shaft – more springs necessary should the water be a distance away or pumped to a higher level.


  0 – 6km flat surface  

Cement block - 40m height if hole is not deeper than  60m.
Total thus  100m Klas 10 Pipe. If necessary a force head can be manufactured with nylon packaging..

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