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Rustfree VAN STADEN cylinder and borehole equipment for windmills,
and hand pumps.
- Rustfree (plastic and stainless steel)
- Time saving ( installs within minutes)
- Labour saving (only one person needed to install)
- Saves wear & tear of windmill head.
(no pushdown action – springs do the action)
- Easy to transport (fits comfortably on the back of a truck)
- Efficient (little wind & power needed)
- Ideal for borehole that have been bored skew.
- Manufactured & supported locally (agents nationwide)
- Can easily be shortened and lengthened
- Cheapest cylinder on the market!!
- Cylinder is also used on steel pipes - 11/2" thread.
- Durable
- Total head height of 100m guaranteed (can improve)
- Product has proven itself (34 years actively on the market)
- Works on all windmills with up-down action.
- Holes l00 to 200 m deep, a 2" cylinder is used.
- Low maintenance – uses 1" leather cups in force head.
- Comprehensive installation instructions supplied to all customers.
- Compatible with Jooste cylinder